The Biggest Green Flag on a First Date, According to Relationship Experts
With the rise of dating apps, social media, and technology, the dating world has changed dramatically. Today, we have easy access to everything from TikTok stories about first-date disasters to viral threads discussing awkward encounters. You might think spotting “green” and “red flags” on a first date would be straightforward, but dating is still subjective, and opinions on what counts as a “flag” can vary widely.
Some people argue that modern dating puts too much pressure on individuals with unrealistic expectations, while others view it as a chance to be more selective, like a job interview where only the best matches get a second date.
To help navigate today’s fast-paced dating scene, we spoke to relationship experts about the ultimate green flag on a first date. Their insights highlight the signs that reflect compatibility, mutual respect, and emotional maturity—all essential for building healthy relationships in today’s dating world.
Sincerity and Boundaried Openness
One of the biggest green flags on a first date is sincerity, coupled with “boundaried openness.” This means your date is open and authentic but knows the boundaries of the context. They share enough about themselves to create a connection but don’t overshare or come on too strong.
Pay attention to how they talk about their past relationships. People who have had healthy relationships tend to speak positively about their friends and family. They are also conscientious—showing up on time, being considerate, and genuinely interested in getting to know you.
Calm Chemistry, Not Overwhelming Sparks
Surprisingly, not feeling an intense, overwhelming chemistry is actually a good sign. While sparks are fun, they can cloud judgment and may indicate an unhealthy, high-pressure dynamic. Emotionally available people often feel calming rather than chaotic. Instead of fireworks, you might feel an easy sense of curiosity and interest. That’s a green flag.
How They Talk About Past Relationships
How your date speaks about their exes is another important sign. If they talk about a past breakup respectfully, without being disrespectful or bitter, that’s a good sign of emotional maturity. A green flag would be hearing something like, “We weren’t on the same page,” while a red flag would be something like, “They were a total [insult].”
Asking your date, “If your ex were here, what would they say about the breakup?” can reveal character, emotional intelligence, and self-control. How they speak about their past relationships is often how they’ll eventually treat you.
Kindness Is Key
Kindness is a major green flag on a first date. Pay attention to how your date treats others, especially the waitstaff at a restaurant or anyone else in a service position. Kindness is an essential trait for healthy, long-lasting relationships.
Also, think about how they make you feel. Do you feel comfortable, safe, and respected? A little discomfort is normal due to first-date nerves, but if you feel uncomfortable in a threatening way, it’s something to take seriously. Signs like controlling behavior should raise alarms.
Balanced Sharing and Active Listening
On a good first date, there should be a sense of balance when it comes to sharing personal information. Reciprocal self-disclosure, where both people share and listen in equal measure, is a great sign. A green flag would be someone who listens to understand and allows you to finish before responding, rather than interrupting with their own perspective.
Enjoying Each Other’s Company
The biggest green flag on a first date is simply enjoying each other’s company enough to want to see them again. This could mean feeling relaxed, at ease, and having a good time. If you’re enjoying their presence and feel like they bring out the best in you, that’s a sign of a healthy connection.
Also, shared interests, mutual history, common friends, and similar values or causes are all great indicators that there’s potential for something more.
Ultimately, a first date is just the beginning of getting to know someone. The biggest green flag is whether you feel comfortable, respected, and interested in continuing the connection. If your date demonstrates kindness, emotional intelligence, and shared values, it’s a promising sign of compatibility.